Every Hacker Should Have This Gadgets In Their Toolkit.

Here is a list of the 10 gadgets that any hacker should have in their toolkit.

Occasionally, during security audits, we can come across a scenario in which everything seems to be in order. To put it another way, security fixes, protocols, network segmentation, antivirus, and user recognition, to name a few, are being implemented correctly. To begin the study from the viewpoint of a security researcher or analyst, social engineering and a variety of other techniques, some of which we will look at in this article, become more important, perhaps becoming the only ones that will enable an intruder to breach the target device.

The devices in question are mostly piece of hardware intended for use in security testing or programs. But here is a list of the 10 devices that every hacker should have.

Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi is a low cost, credit-card sized computer that plugs into a computer monitor or TV, and uses a standard keyboard and mouse. It is a capable little device that enables people of all ages to explore computing, and to learn how to program in languages. A classic example of security audits is the use of a Raspberry Pi with the right battery pack, a distribution network like Kali Linux, and applications like FruityWifi, which serve like a Swiss army knife of pen checking.

WiFi Pineapple

This suite of wireless penetration testing techniques is extremely useful for a variety of attacks, including man-in-the-middle attacks. It allows you to communicate using any laptop, such as a smartphone or tablet, thanks to an easy-to-use web interface. It distinguishes itself through its ease of use, workflow management, comprehensive details, and the ability to simulate various types of advanced threats, which are still just a few clicks away.

WiFi Pineapple, as a framework, supports the use of a large number of plugins, which are constantly being created by the user community, introducing new features that expand its range of functionality. The cherry on top is that these modules can be built for free directly from the web interface in a matter of seconds.

Alfa WiFi Adapter

A Wi-Fi adapter for packet injection. The Alfa is notable for the high quality of its products as well as the use of chipsets that can be configured to monitor mode and must for wireless hacking.

Rubber Ducky

The USB Rubber Ducky is a HID gadget that resembles a USB Pen drive. It can be used to inject keystrokes into a device, hack a system, steal victims' critical and credential info, and inject payload into their machines.

If you've seen the hit TV show Mr. Robot, you'll recall that in the second season, Rubber Ducky is a key ally for Angela, assisting her in gaining access to an E Corp executive's passwords.

LAN Turtle

This form of systems administration and pen-testing tool offers clandestine remote control while remaining attached to a USB port. Aside from that, it helps users to gather information from the network and can carry out a man-in-the-middle assault.

HackRF One

This utility sets up a strong SDR (Software-Defined Radio) system. In other words, it is basically a radio networking system that instals software to replace commonly existing hardware. As a result, it can process radio signals ranging from 10 MHz to 6 GHz from a single peripheral that can be attached to the device via a USB port.

Ubertooth One

This device is an open-source 2.4 GHz code creation tool for Bluetooth experimentation, allowing consumers to understand the various facets of modern wireless technologies.

Proxmark3 Kit

Jonathan Westhues created the Proxmark3, a gadget that can read almost every RFID (radio frequency identification) sticker, as well as clone and sniff them. It can also be used in standalone mode (i.e. without a PC) by using batteries.


This are the primary techniques used in lockpicking, which is the practice of unlocking a lock or a physical locking mechanism by logically examining or modifying the components without the original key. There are several sizes, formats, and kits available, which can pose a threat to physical protection in many ways.

It is important to understand that possessing lockpicks is a criminal offence in certain nations. We may not advocate any action that could be illegal. Please check the laws in your country before purchasing any of these tools, as well as the other gadgets mentioned in this post.


Keyloggers, also known as keystroke loggers, are software programs or hardware devices that track keyboard activity (keys pressed).... Keylogger app normally saves the keystrokes in a tiny file that can be read later or immediately emailed to the person watching your activities.

So this ends my blog;  I hope that this blog has provided you with the some valuable knowledge. 

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